California STEP Grant
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) oversees the California State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), aimed at helping small businesses expand into global markets by increasing the number of exporters and the volume of goods and services they trade. STEP is partially funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Eligibility Overview
For-profit entity
Significant operations in California
Meet SBA small business size standards
Operated for at least one year
Organized or incorporated in the U.S.
Export goods/services with at least 51% U.S. content
Registered in California and in good standing
Funding Opportunities
STEP Events
- Subsidized participation fees for international trade events
- Eligible for up to 2 events per federal fiscal year
- View Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Export Vouchers
- Reimbursement for export promotion expenses up to $10,000
- Pre-approved activities only
- Round-specific deadlines for different activity periods
- Learn More About Vouchers
Application Process
Prepare | Review the guidelines and develop your export strategy.
Apply | Submit through the STEP Grant Portal
Await Notification | Receive approval and next steps
Grant Resources

STEP Program Guidelines

STEP Application Instructions

STEP Event Application Preview

STEP Reimbursement Instructions

STEP Export Voucher Application Preview

STEP Program Training Video